Friday, July 13, 2007


I had a conference where I got to schmooze with all the company investors and stockholders.  One major investor in particular gave me the "there is no can't" speech.  I took some of his advice and approached my CEO this morning when I walked in.

Me: Hey boss!
CEO: Hey stud.
Me: You look really nice today?

He checked himself out for a second to see if it was true

Me: So I've put a lot of thought into it and...
CEO: What's that?
Me: I would be a LOT more productive if I had an iphone.  It's something I feel I need and the company can either give me one today or one on Monday.

He just started laughing at me.

Me: "Can I have Jerry's email?  I'll have to tell him that didn't work."

He just laughed harder at me and started cursing Jerry's name.

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