Thursday, February 28, 2008

you know what sucks

you know what sucks?

when your trying to be really good on your diet and then they call an all employee meeting and serve pizza to everyone.  there I am, hundreds of people scarfing pizza, and all I can think is that I have a nice carrot upstairs at my desk...mmm.. carrot.  *hork*.

and then, to top it off, they bring pizza back up into each department.  so a delicious looking pizza is sitting on the other side of the wall.

i've been craving pizza for days. this isn't helping.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

die.... et

Started dieting yesterday.  It sucks.

I eat my servings and still hungry.   I know it'll get easier after a few days, it just sucks for now.

I don't remember having this much trouble the last time I did it, it was actually pretty easy.  For some reason this time I'm just starving all the time, ugh.  DAMN YOU PORTION CONTROL!


Me: "Malcolm... this is not a cheesy stuffed pizza."
Malcolm: "No, that's a carrot."
Me: "THIS is not a cheesy stuffed pizza."
Malcolm: "No, that's a carrot.... Daniel, why do you have to do dirty things to the carrot..."


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

no mo fo me


So I finished my review today. My boss had given me my review last week so I already knew it was a glowing 6 month report.  It wasn't until today that he came back from his trip and we could talk face to face about it.

Really all I wanted to know was what the raise would be.  I mean, I already read the report, there's not a whole lot left to know.  Everyone kept telling me I'd get a raise, especially with my great review.  My coworker even told me: "You're the golden boy, of course you'll get a raise."  So I was excited.  I'm ready to go out and celebrate tonight.




oops sorry, someone had to tell me about their weight issues.


Any....way  *shakes it off*..  back to my story.

So yah, I think you can tell where this is going.  I got nothing. Zero.  zip.  zilch.   I guess I'm ready at the top of (or over) my pay grade so nothing can really be done.   So much for celebrating.


Oh yeah, and thanks to everyone who got my hopes up.  *beats you all*.

Friday, February 22, 2008

best i could do

lunar eclipse

best i could do for the lunar eclipse with the equipment i have.

someday i'll get a better lense.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

dont let me tell stories

So speaking of chickens, I was reading this really funny article today.  It was about this guy who came home really really drunk and.... oh wait, it's not funny, nevermind.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

self anal-ysis

Tomorrow is my 6 month mark at my company.  As part of the 6 month review I have to fill out a self analysis.  Four simple questions, or so I thought.  I took a peek at one of my co-workers recent submissions and it was pages long.  They didn't want the quick and dirty, they want the full analysis.  So I took an hour and a half this morning to fill it out.   I'm hoping it's satisfactory.

I'm nervous.  I haven't heard any complaints and don't think I have anything at all to worry about.  At the same time I really don't want to here anything negative even if it's just for self improvement purposes.

People should just tell me I'm pretty, smile, and leave it at that.  Right?  :P

On the upside, it's time for a raise... I think.  Or at least that's what I am being told by co-workers.

I'd rather let them keep it than be critiqued.

oy oy oy.

Monday, February 18, 2008

2 more nights

2 more nights of leaky air mattress horror.  

Sunday morning I took off and bought a $600 piece of luxurious softness to sleep on, but it won't be delivered until Wednesday.  It wasn't the foam one I went out to find because of some bills that came up unexpectedly, but this one will make me just as happy.  And on top of it all they haul my old-lumpy-back-hurting mattress away for free, which after checking how much it is to haul away one of those things, is a pretty darn good deal.

2 more nights...I can do it....I think... maybe.   well I guess I have too, don't I?

Friday, February 15, 2008

What I hate about I.T.

work work work workI'm realizing how much it can suck to work in I.T.  Not that it has changed over my career so far, it's just starting to wear me down a little bit though.

I go into these teleconferences and meeting as the tech advisor and always walk out with a huge list of to-do's.  The thing I hate is that I'm the only one who usually walks out with any work.  Everyone else is marketing or designers and anyone else who dreams big but can't do any of the actual execution.

My teleconference on Tuesday ended with them sending out an assignment list of things to accomplish this quarter.

Me: "Umm, I have to say I'm feeling a bit picked on right now"
Woman: "Why do you say that?"
Me: "My name is on everyone of these assignments..."

and all the callers laugh.

evidently no one else is capable of doing anything in our group :P

I'm not complaining.  I mean I took the job, right?  It still sucks though, especially when 20 groups of people are all looking at you to work on their list.

Some day I'll crack.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

sometimes i hide

sometimes i hide

and sometimes i want to kill people.

Monday, February 11, 2008

oh so sleeeepy

So sleepy

Really didn't sleep this weekend and came in late last night.  I'm very much a zombie today and no amount of coffee will ever save me at this point.

Someone put me to bed.

One of my co-workers has discovered my blog and has been raving about it...  and for that, I say..





if I had the energy I'd probably even do a little dance for her, but I think she'll be grateful that I do not.

Now just about everyone in the office reads it.  I may have to actually worry about what I write at some point...  at some point.  maybe.  but probably not.  everyone knows I speak my mind pretty damn freely and I don't really see that ever changing.


peas out.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I say when I go home

sick and stuck in conference calls


Dear Journal,

I am sick of hearing everyone whine at me that I should go home when I have a sniffle or cough.  I am the only one that decides when I should go home... well, me or my boss, who is on vacation, so really just me.

If I stayed home every time I felt a little down I would never be at work!!  With sinus' like mine I'd be doomed.

As part of my revenge I stayed late as usual and then walked around and coughed on everyone's keyboard and mouse.  If that wasn't evil enough, I licked a few mugs as well.

Take THAT!


Bitterness incarnate,


da duh DUH da DUH!!!

duracell batteries

Let's face it, we all know I'm perfect.  However, my perfection slipped a few minutes ago and I had a very stupid moment.

I was complaining to Malcolm that my keyboard wasn't working.  He walked over and I tried to show him, but of course when someone is looking it works perfectly.  Before he looked the cntl, alt, space and number pad wouldn't work.

So I decide I'm going to ask the department manager to sign off on a new keyboard since my boss is out of town and my keyboard was driving me nuts.  On the way, I stop in the supply room and ask Andrew if we have any laying around.  I told him the problem and he was like, "it's a wireless keyboard?" and i'm like "yup".  "Did you try new batteries?"

And I just hung my head and muttered "I thought it worked on magic..."

so so dumb.

my mommy made me a valentines card

my mommy made me a valentines card

she always sends me these awesome hand-made cards she created.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Ive been sick


I've been sick and since I haven't posted any doodles or anything in a while, I thought I'd illustrate it.  *sniffle*