Tuesday, February 26, 2008

no mo fo me


So I finished my review today. My boss had given me my review last week so I already knew it was a glowing 6 month report.  It wasn't until today that he came back from his trip and we could talk face to face about it.

Really all I wanted to know was what the raise would be.  I mean, I already read the report, there's not a whole lot left to know.  Everyone kept telling me I'd get a raise, especially with my great review.  My coworker even told me: "You're the golden boy, of course you'll get a raise."  So I was excited.  I'm ready to go out and celebrate tonight.




oops sorry, someone had to tell me about their weight issues.


Any....way  *shakes it off*..  back to my story.

So yah, I think you can tell where this is going.  I got nothing. Zero.  zip.  zilch.   I guess I'm ready at the top of (or over) my pay grade so nothing can really be done.   So much for celebrating.


Oh yeah, and thanks to everyone who got my hopes up.  *beats you all*.

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