Friday, February 15, 2008

What I hate about I.T.

work work work workI'm realizing how much it can suck to work in I.T.  Not that it has changed over my career so far, it's just starting to wear me down a little bit though.

I go into these teleconferences and meeting as the tech advisor and always walk out with a huge list of to-do's.  The thing I hate is that I'm the only one who usually walks out with any work.  Everyone else is marketing or designers and anyone else who dreams big but can't do any of the actual execution.

My teleconference on Tuesday ended with them sending out an assignment list of things to accomplish this quarter.

Me: "Umm, I have to say I'm feeling a bit picked on right now"
Woman: "Why do you say that?"
Me: "My name is on everyone of these assignments..."

and all the callers laugh.

evidently no one else is capable of doing anything in our group :P

I'm not complaining.  I mean I took the job, right?  It still sucks though, especially when 20 groups of people are all looking at you to work on their list.

Some day I'll crack.

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