Wednesday, May 30, 2007

the blah blahs

P5190137 I'm in a mood today.

I had to be at work early, which meant no work out. I got to bed late, which meant I didn't sleep much. There is a whole pile of work on my desk I don't want to deal with. I have a stack of bills at home I don't have the money to pay. And lastly my work computer is full of virii which nothing seems to be able to remove and it's making my computer uber slow.

I'm too tired to look on the bright side, if there is one. Blah blah blah.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

new car

2008 Scion XB

So my chrysler sebring broke one last time and something inside me snapped. I had enough!

I waited for Randy to come into town before going shopping since he was a lot Lot LOT more knowledgable on cars. I pretty much already knew what I wanted but I wanted opinions too. Besides, there was a lot of financials happening and it was nice to talk it through with someone to make sure I was making the right choice.

I bought a new 2008 Scion XB. I'll have to post better pics later, it's still just a stock car and I get all my addons later this week.

Before we left I packed all my old stuff from my other car, put it in the cargo area of the new one and closed things up. I took one last look at my old car. Randy walked up from behind and asked, "You going to miss it?" I looked at it... got angry, and kicked it with all my might. "I @%&*#@$% HATE YOU!!!" I screamed. *kick kick kick*

Everyone turned and stared.

I looked at Randy, smiled, let out a happy sigh, and got in my new car and drove off.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

me working late again

Crunchy says I'm the only man he knows who can pull off Pink and Orange

Monday, May 21, 2007

happy victoria day

HDR: US-Canada Peace Arch
US-Canada Peace Arch (5/11/07)

Happy Victoria Day to all my Canadian homeys. Wish I could watch the fireworks (or whatever it is you do) with you guys.

Spent another glorious weekend in Vancouver bumming around and relaxing. And now, while I'm sitting at work with 6 people hounding me for things, I'm finding myself completely jealous that they all have an extra day off. At least we Americans have a day off soon as well and then I can rub it in all their faces, heh.

Today has been nice and lazy so far. Got up to go to the gym and spent a half hour trying to track down my gym clothes since my room is a giant disaster area at the moment. After getting changed I realized there was lease and background check papers waiting for me to fill out and pay by the new landlord. After a brief stop to the bathroom I saw I lost 4 lbs over the weekend so I wasn't feeling to bad about missing a morning at the gym. I filled out my papers, left them stuck to the door, and watched the original Friday 13th with seattleducky who was sick on the couch. When Friday 13th #2 was starting I had to take off for work. Another day of laying around watching movies sounds nice. When I got to work and saw all hell broke loose I was kicking myself for not calling in sick.

Okay, back to work. Gotta live the dream.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

i hate kids


I never really cared for kids, they get on my nerves and they're generally afraid of me, so it's always worked out well. This morning I woke up late, having slept through my alarm AGAIN, and stepped out onto the back deck on the way to my car. I took a nice big stretch and tried to shake off the sleepies. I looked to my left only to find a huge spot in the back hard that was still smoldering. Looking over the situation it was pretty apparent that some vandal thought it would be fun to take lighter fluid from the barbeque and torch the ground.

I tried stomping it out and covering it with dirt, but the ground was saturated with fluid and wouldn't go out. Looking around I found a bucket and filled it with water from the spigot on the side of the house. 30-60 minutes and bucket after bucket and it finally went out.

I put all the bbq flamibles inside since we obviously can't have it out on the deck next to the grill like normal people.

I'm pretty sure it's those hooligan kids that run free and think they own every yard along the alley. Next time I'm reporting it. It put me in a horrid mood all day.

Friday, May 11, 2007

heading north


It's Friday and everyone is already into the weekend here at work. The execs all left to go golfing, there is a potluck going on in the kitchen, and Crunchy and I "want the fuck out of here" (as he says). I have no sense of urgency at all today and so far have accomplished near to nothing.

I'm heading North to Vancouver for the weekend, hence the crappy watercolor. People keep walking in the office while i'm slopping down some watercolor and say "oh geez, Bob Ross is at it again!" At least I don't take the time to actually try and do something nice... I could definately waste more than my 5 or 10 minutes! ... and then they would be sorry, MWHAHAHA!

Happy Friday, everyone.

Monday, May 07, 2007

nathans shirt of unknown meaning

nathan's shirt

My evil little minion, "Crunchy", wears this shirt now and then. Everyone is always asking him what it means. He says that it's supposed to mean something like "stupid." But then he gets very strange looks from any person of asian descent, so he's assuming it means something more like "Stupid Fuck."

Can anyone help him find the meaning?

Friday, May 04, 2007

the shroomy shart

I came home the other night and was standing out on the deck with two of the roommates.They were munching their dinner and we were just hanging out for a minute. When out pops the third of the four roommates from the back door of the house onto the deck. He wanted to tell me a story.

Earlier in the day he was gassy, and was letting one rip... when he sharted! Feeling not-so fresh, he went into the restroom to clean up. Upon wiping his bottom he discovered he was clean, but had sharted a mushroom from dinner the night before.

Why did he tell me? I don't know! But I totally loved it. I've told a few people at work and I've cried so many times today and my tummy hurts from laughing to much.

I live with a shroom sharter. I just thought I'd share.