Tuesday, January 15, 2008

im funny - training

Malcolm: DrunkenMaster says: Daniels Blog is comedy gold
Me: drunken master?
Malcolm: Tim
Me: lol
Me: it's comedy gold, eh?
Malcolm: kind of like a golden shower but funnier


So... I guess my coworkers find my blog amusing at least.

In other news, I spent all morning in introductory training where they tell us about the company we've been working for.  At one point I was late returning from a break by like a whole minute and was pointed out and told I'd have to sing and dance for the group.   I prepared to sing "I'm a little teapot", however twinkle twinkle was requested during a demonstration.

The rest of the time I spent grinding my teeth and wanting to cut a b*tch for talking constantly through the whole thing.  granted it was very relaxing, but seriously, take a breath.  At least I sat next to Nate who gave enough distraction for me not to act on any impulses.

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