Friday, August 24, 2007


Malcolm just took me for a little walk down to the coffee shop... on way we stopped and gazed at the glorious NAMBLA fountain.


Excuse my polish, but that shit is fucked up, yo.

Everything around there just looked dirty to me after he showed me that. 

Situated all around them were "eye ball" chairs.  Supposedly giant eye ball sculptures with the back slumped to form a chair.  He made sure to point out they looked like giant vaginas.

If you read up on the symbolism, it's not dirty, at least not the literature I found.  They don't really say WHAT the piece means, other than the original patron demanded it be two realistic classical male nudes.  Why?  because "realistic sculptures of male nudes made him happy."  Hey, at least he knew what he liked.

And there it sits, on the waterfront, for us all to sit on giant vaginas and bask in it's NAMBLA-ness.

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