Friday, November 30, 2007

eat the it!

cleaning the face


I came home last night to crying kitties who were out of food.  Damnit, why do they need to eat?  Like I'm not poor enough.

"Here monkey, eat this it!"

Well she didn't want the raisin, so I had to head off to the store before they decided I was expendable and edible... well either that or converted to cannibalism.

I could totally turn this into a bitter post about how someone stuck me with their cat and promised to pay child support.  I could mention how I never saw a dime and still has his damn cat and storing a lot of his crap  ..or you know how they still owe me money for auto insurance...  you know, like..whatever, i'm totally cool with getting screwed over. 

So.. since this isn't a bitter post... happy happy joy joy.


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