One of the managers catches me in the hallway and stops me. He tells me he was talking to some guy here in the office and they decided I'm the biggest in the office..
I asked who said this.. and he described him but I didn't recognize the description.
"Yeah, he says he only weighs like 350lbs so your the biggest."
I just glared at him and said "I don't weigh 350." Just pretty much ran away after that with me shouting "THANKS A LOT!"
Seriously, WTF!? This comes out of no where... Telling me I'm the fattest in the office. And he's a manager!! Wouldn't this be part of those people managing skills your supposed to have as a manager?
It takes a lot to offend me and I can't even remember the last time I got rubbed the wrong way... but for some reason this pissed me off.
My evil half says go to HR. My not to evil, but still evil side, says just let it go.
As a compromise, I decided to draw this quick doodle and bitch about it in my journal.