Friday, November 30, 2007

no soop fo u!

photo ganked from kidmissile

Friday is Bagel Day at work. We come into work and bagels are provided in the main lunch room.

Last week I got the last bagel... the dreaded salt bagel. This week, however, I got nothing.

Why can't we order more bagels so we have enough? Why you gotta ruin my Friday by taunting me with a bagel and then not having any?

You know the day is going downhill when you don't even get your free bagel, heh.

eat the it!

cleaning the face


I came home last night to crying kitties who were out of food.  Damnit, why do they need to eat?  Like I'm not poor enough.

"Here monkey, eat this it!"

Well she didn't want the raisin, so I had to head off to the store before they decided I was expendable and edible... well either that or converted to cannibalism.

I could totally turn this into a bitter post about how someone stuck me with their cat and promised to pay child support.  I could mention how I never saw a dime and still has his damn cat and storing a lot of his crap  ..or you know how they still owe me money for auto insurance...  you know, like..whatever, i'm totally cool with getting screwed over. 

So.. since this isn't a bitter post... happy happy joy joy.


wheres my snow

Where's my snow?

Hey YOU.  Up THERE... Where's my snow??


Word around Seattlelites this week was that we were supposed to get snow.  Well... where's my damn snow??

Work is productive and slow.  I can't wait for the weekend to begin.  Needing a break from it all.

In other news, it appears i'm not the only one miffed with bicyclists.   Seattle PI: Bicyclist shot

Thursday, November 29, 2007

desktop greenhouse


My desk flowers are flourishing after neglecting them for only a week.  How exciting!

one more

one more test

Read full article

case in point

spilt milk

See!  This is what I'm saying about those damn milk jugs!

the fountain

Malcolm and I went for coffee yesterday morning, as we often do.  Whilst passing the fountain in the park I thought I'd share it with you.  So.. I snapped a quick shot.  Take it all in bitches :P~

i saw a foutain

hey...just be glad it was the a shot of the little boy statue.  that would just be wrong.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cant get enough

The Spew is mobile! Can't get enough Daniel?

My spewage is now mobile!
Point your mobile browser at

(Can you tell I was bored during lunch?)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

$100 challenge

$100 left until payday next week.  Oy!   My challenge, that I am forced to accept, is to make it a week+ (knowing that I probably have a guest this weekend) without bouncing my account.

I've never done it before... lets see if I can make it.

Yeah, I'm already laughing knowing it's impossible.... but let us pretend that it is not.

at least I think it's a hundred... I did some spending in Canada that hasn't cleared yet.... maybe it's more like $25.

*slam head on desk*

the suck

the new milk jug is the suck.. i've never spilled so much milk after opening a jug. sure it's great when it's half empty.... and doesn't take that long to to get half empty cuz you spilled half of it already!

conference calls are fun, mm'kay?

conference calls are sooooo long and serious.....ugh.

anger... brewing......rage.....building....

yeah i'm point'n atchu!

Almost done with my current side project.  It'll be such a load off my mind when it's done and it'll be awesome to have my nights back.

I feel the rage today... not sure why.  I think it's just a lot of pent up aggression towards people in general.  Sometimes I feel like just breaking free and beating the crap out of some random person.

Maybe I'm one of those people they should've put through intensive psych evals before hiring.   I might like go crazy and rampage or something.

Nah.... I don't think anyone is worried about that.  A manager told me a week ago that I was the nicest guy he ever met.  I'm sure he was just sucking up... I'm really quite an asshole.  Besides, even if they were to worry about me rampaging, I think we all know that there's only one person going down if any one of us goes postal.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

my tummy hurts

i know it's old, but i keep watching it and laughing so hard my tummy hurts...

Monday, November 19, 2007


Word of the day:  shuga'betes.

Use-ification: Good lawd, Mah shuga'betes was in an uprawrs last nights.

i stepped outside

I stepped outside and found it quite brisk...frigid almost... like my soul.

I found myself staring at some flowers and thought "DIE FLOWERS DIE!!!"

Sunday, November 18, 2007



one nasty looking cloud is looming over downtown seattle.

Friday, November 16, 2007

it just keeps getting better...


So after the whole scraping incident, I decided to pout and take my pain out on a bagel.  It's bagel Friday, after all! 

I go up to the 5th floor lunch room and find one lonely bagel left.  The cursed salt wonder it was left.  I mean really, who needs this munch salt?  So I scraped most of it off, much like the paint on my car...

Overly-Salty Salty Salt mah only friend.

i made a boo boo :(

i made a boo boo :(

the damn cement post in the parking structure had it out for me...i swears!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


hello operator...give me #9..

After a two hour conference call yesterday, Rachel found me a wireless headset.  The highlight of my day was being able to walk to the coffee machine during my call today and still be able to participate.

We all know coffee comes first.

drew something

Pattern Pieces

So I finally drew something out last night before leaving work.  Found an interesting drawing online that I really liked and converted it to a glass window.  I'd post it but I'm going to do it as a gift for one of the friends.

Please send drawings/doodles, I'll need more projects soon :)

Now... to find time to work on it...hmmm.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

lacking creativity

Picture 061


 I feel like making something in glass.  I finally have a small desk in my room cleared off.  It's been a while since I've made anything.

I want to make a panel, I think.

I'm just lacking creativity to draw anything out.  I have a few ideas, but nothing has really solidified in my mind.

Anyone feel like drawing me something? 

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

my mug stirs itself...

because i'm just too damn lazy to find a spoon.

Monday, November 12, 2007

so tired


It's 3am and i'm sitting at work after having driven from canada.  Quarterly financial reports are to be posted at 4am so i'm sitting and waiting.  Been here for an hour already.

I'm going to be hurting in a few hours when the alarm goes off.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

please? PLEASE??

if you love me, you'll buy me these swear boots.  size 46...

4am? oh man


Yay, I get to be up at 4am on Monday to post my company's quarterly statements for the investors.



Malcolm showed this to me when I got to work a few minutes ago... had me laughing.  Great way to start the day!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


so, like, omg... i like, inspire people.   and stuff.


i feel special :) not special-special...but you know, like... special.

cool guy, check his blog out from time to time...  and junk.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Cleo made it onto today...


So I stuck Google analytics in my journal since I was using it at work on another project.

Guess what the number 1 search term is that gets people to my journal?

Granted it's only been a week or so of collecting data, but still... It's "itchy nipples".   And I'm far from the top which makes me wonder how many people's nipples are itching enough to dig through 20 or so pages of results.

Friday, November 02, 2007

I'm the biggest fatty...or so I'm told.


One of the managers catches me in the hallway and stops me.  He tells me he was talking to some guy here in the office and they decided I'm the biggest in the office..

I asked who said this.. and he described him but I didn't recognize the description.

"Yeah, he says he only weighs like 350lbs so your the biggest."

I just glared at him and said "I don't weigh 350."   Just pretty much ran away after that with me shouting "THANKS A LOT!"


Seriously, WTF!?   This comes out of no where... Telling me I'm the fattest in the office.  And he's a manager!!  Wouldn't this be part of those people managing skills your supposed to have as a manager?

It takes a lot to offend me and I can't even remember the last time I got rubbed the wrong way... but for some reason this pissed me off.

My evil half says go to HR.   My not to evil, but still evil side, says just let it go.

As a compromise, I decided to draw this quick doodle and bitch about it in my journal.

lost earring

Me: I'm here about the lost earring you mass emailed about..
Receptionist:  The email said it was lost in the women's restroom.
Me: Don't judge me.

YAY! Winter is coming, WHEE!
