Tuesday, September 18, 2007

deja vu

100 lightscribe cd-r

It's the error I fear will just keep repeating itself.

A few weeks ago I had ordered a spindle of lightscribe dvd's.  I was excited to find a spindle because I couldn't find any retailers that actually carried a whole spindle... it's always packs of 10 or 20 or something small like that.

I hadn't noticed that they sent cd's instead of dvd's until I got home and pulled a disc out to burn on.

Defeated, I emailed them and told them of the error.  The receipt even says 100 dvd's.

I never did receive a response.  However, today I received a package.  I was excited once I saw the return address on the box!  I opened the box once I returned to my desk only to find ANOTHER spindle of cd's.

I sat here staring at my email inbox contemplating whether or not I should email them again.  I could only imagine another spindle of cd's showing up in a few weeks.

"I never use CD's!  What am I going to do with 200 of them???" I bitched to  my empty desk.

Rachel who sits next to me peeked around the cube divider and told me she uses them all the time.

"Well if they don't tell me I have to send them back, you can have them."

At least they will have a happy home.... or be turned into a sculpture (they are rainbow colored afterall).

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