Monday, May 21, 2007

happy victoria day

HDR: US-Canada Peace Arch
US-Canada Peace Arch (5/11/07)

Happy Victoria Day to all my Canadian homeys. Wish I could watch the fireworks (or whatever it is you do) with you guys.

Spent another glorious weekend in Vancouver bumming around and relaxing. And now, while I'm sitting at work with 6 people hounding me for things, I'm finding myself completely jealous that they all have an extra day off. At least we Americans have a day off soon as well and then I can rub it in all their faces, heh.

Today has been nice and lazy so far. Got up to go to the gym and spent a half hour trying to track down my gym clothes since my room is a giant disaster area at the moment. After getting changed I realized there was lease and background check papers waiting for me to fill out and pay by the new landlord. After a brief stop to the bathroom I saw I lost 4 lbs over the weekend so I wasn't feeling to bad about missing a morning at the gym. I filled out my papers, left them stuck to the door, and watched the original Friday 13th with seattleducky who was sick on the couch. When Friday 13th #2 was starting I had to take off for work. Another day of laying around watching movies sounds nice. When I got to work and saw all hell broke loose I was kicking myself for not calling in sick.

Okay, back to work. Gotta live the dream.

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