I hate bicyclists... and I'm not going to be sorry for saying that, so don't even think about giving me that look.
Yes, I totally agree biking instead of driving is better for the environment. I'm all for it! Heck, I want to get a bike too and try biking to work. But, what I hate, is those bikers that don't share the road. Maybe I'm not educated on the laws, but what I see happening just seems wrong to me.
Why can bicyclists weave their way in between traffic all the way to the front of the line? This morning, while sitting at a stop light, a bicyclist weaseled his way up the long line behind me and parked his spandex covered butt right in front of me waiting for the light. He even backed himself up so he was a foot in front of me.... waited for the green light, then went on his way. I really really really resisted the urge to accelerate and smack him in the ass with my bumper. If we're supposed to share the road, shouldn't they obey the same rules? If he can maneuver his ass to the front, why can't I? Shouldn't he have to sit in line like the rest of us?
I'm a very patient person when it comes to traffic. Waiting for him wasn't the problem. It's just the unfairness that bothers me.
I'd rant more since bicyclists get in my way every day, but luckily for you, dear reader, I have a meeting to attend.