came out all funky and i loved it
Thursday, March 29, 2007
i am the king of spontaneous purchases. and when i am guilty of it, i'm guilty of it big. oy! i had to hit CompUSA for work today and the store was closing so they had huge sales. i saved $150 :) i've been staring at this and the canon rebel xti for months upon months. it's nice that i finally got it, but my wallet is in pain.
i wish the battery would hurry and charge...i want to play!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
expressive face returns
My evil little minion just said "Dude, you looks are so classic. You say so much just by looking at someone."
I think he's saying i'm bitchy and it shows.
Oh Meghan, you reasoning just astounds me. She just ran into my office as I was typing the last entry and said:
"Hey Daniel! It's almost Friday!
" it's not."
"It's Wednesday! and tomorrow is Thursday, which is almost Friday, and who cares what happens on Friday, because it's FRIDAY!"
and it wasn't supposed to be silly. scarey.
So I was out hanging with 2 of my buddies last night when some older guy pulls me aside and tells me he's a world known psychic.
"You have such a great presence and your friend's is just amazing."
"Mine is definately better than his.... it just is."
He laughs at me and i'm told my favorite color is purple and he gives several bits of information to all of us. Then he looks at me and says "and your ready to marry."
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
all moved
So last weekend was the move. I really hate moving. It was 4 days of hell. I kept trying to take off work to stay home and pack but kept getting called into work for various emergencies. I ended up staying up the whole night before the movers came early in the morning and packed. I still didn't get everything packed and spent the remaining days moving things in my car and being completely exhausted.
I moved across town into cid2042 and seattleducky's place which is cool. Cheaper rent but longer commute. I'm sure it'll all balance out in the end.
The cats are still adjusting. My two little girls have a new boyfriend, Blacky Chan. The house is still filled with hisses but i'm sure they'll get used to it soon. So far my cats are ruling the basement and Blacky Chan guards the stairs to the main level. I'm glad to see Monkey out of her carrier, she spent the first full day in it and wouldn't come out until seattleducky pulled her out.
In a month I get one of the rooms after their current roommates move out, until then it's living out of a duffle bag for me! Kind of a pain, but it'll go fast.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Bad News: This is my spongebob felt drawing pad my vp bought me. I draw on it when I get stressed and need a time out. As you can see it's finished. Can you tell how today is going?
Good News: I have the next two days off. Thursday I'm packing, Friday I'm moving across town, and Saturday is cleaning up the old place.
Monday, March 19, 2007
FW: What does a Blonde do after a bad accident...
What is the first thing a blonde does after a bad car accident?
Turn off the ignition?
Get away from the car in case it explodes?
Call 911 on her cell phone?
weekend highlights
met several cool people
stealing large wooden spoons from our pitchers at a local restaurant
spanking random people on the street with them
scaring off a group of chicks hitting on me with said spoon
tried duck for the first time...tasty!
bought a new hoody, shirts and overalls (never had overalls before)
found the answer to all my life's questions: "because you big!"
watched movies and relaxed...ahhhh!
Friday, March 16, 2007
nathan says...
For once I was minding my own business and working away, when Nathan, my new evil little minion, turns to me and says:
"You have a foul noise hole, Daniel. A foul one."
Well, ok then.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
I was just looking around the room and noticing the empty desk across the ...
I was just looking around the room and noticing the empty desk across the way... it's nice to see that at 6 o'clock there is still plenty of light shining in. Normally I'm leaving and it's pitch black out by now... or even for a long while now!
yup, that's all.
weekend update
So last week was horrid. Everyone here had a horrid weekend. After work on friday I spied some customer service people sitting back and sipping some wine in the office... naughty! lol
I took off and had dinner with a few co-workers to celebrate the week was over.
Saturday i spent all day packing and getting ready for the move across town. Had dinner with cid2042 and picked up a movie on the way home and chilled out with everyone and some oreo's.
Speaking of which... did you know they made sugar-free oreo's now? I LOVE YOU NABISCO.
Sunday I spent all day packing... good times. I'm probably about half done... a few more nights and i'll be ready. Moving in T-12 days
weekend update
So last week was horrid. Everyone here had a horrid weekend. After work on friday I spied some customer service people sitting back and sipping some wine in the office... naughty! lol
I took off and had dinner with a few co-workers to celebrate the week was over.
Saturday i spent all day packing and getting ready for the move across town. Had dinner with cid2042 and picked up a movie on the way home and chilled out with everyone and some oreo's.
Speaking of which... did you know they made sugar-free oreo's now? I LOVE YOU NABISCO.
Sunday I spent all day packing... good times. I'm probably about half done... a few more nights and i'll be ready. Moving in T-12 days
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
One of my fears is our bathroom. lol. Seems silly to be afraid of a bathroom. It's a strange bathroom though. It's like a long walk-in closet and you sit in the middle of nowhere.
Everytime I go in there and have to "think" for a bit, I sit there and wonder if I locked the door. Whenever someone comes up and jiggles the handle and it makes me jump. If it did pop open there i'd be sitting on the thrown all the way across the room with nothing but happy thoughts.
And then when you leave the bathroom there is Ben smirking at you. He sits just outside the bathroom in plain site of the door. Everytime I walk out he starts pretending to wipe the sweat off his head and cough from the smell regardless of what actually happened in there.
I called him on it today. I told him "You make me selfconscience to poo." He just laughed and told me "Dude, it's all I got going for me. It's either that spend all day finding bugs on the site. Which would you do!?"
I couldn't blame him for that. I threatened to install a webcam outside the door so I know when he comes out and when I could run down the hallway to harass him back.
He looked scared. Rightfully so.
Monday, March 05, 2007
What a horrible nasty day.
It was a horrible nasty day. Nothing went right and people kept looking at me like I was letting them down. Either 1) i wasn't but i still got the look or 2) i couldn't finish their task because I also was being stopped by a system outtage or something.
I work hard and still feel like i'm failing the past few days.
It was a horribly depressing nasty day.
I'm going home and excercising and that's it. endorphins save me!
Friday, March 02, 2007
that type of day..
It's a double fister type of day. I walked in from lunch with a venti and Becky ran up me saying the boss was buying everyone starbucks (it's been a hard week).
"I just got one..." I said showing her my cup. She looked disappointed... "But I'll need another in... oh, five minutes!"
So now I have two. Although Kim, who went with Becky, gave me a dirty look for my order. I can't help that I like Venti non-fat sugar-free cinnamon dolce lattes with no whip and no topping. What's wrong with that? Altho I guess that's a lot to write when your taking everyone's order.
I'm spicy!!
So we launched a new website this week. As part of the effort we have all been asked to pull shifts this weekend to make sure all our users have customer support if needed.
I told them putting me on phones is a bad bad bad idea. Customers would not be able to handle my natural heat. I'm spicy.. AY AY AY!
We'll see if I get fired for telling customers to go screw themselves. When people yell at me I yell back. If you give me attitude, you best believe I'm serving up something good in return.....beyotch.
Stay tuned. My next entry may be from the unemployment line, lol.